The review
process encompasses three phases: Scoping, Inception and the actual Review,
i.e. the analysis of evaluations. We have completed the scoping phase, and we
are deep into the inception phase now.
In parallel
with our search for evaluations (Scoping Phase), we have reviewed literature
and initiated a virtual discussion with the Review Reference Group on the dimensions of evaluation practice. We
are interested in the characteristics of evaluations and the positive or
negative results they produce. To obtain a first understanding as to the
characteristics and effects we need to look for, we have studied relevant
literature. (See your Scoping Report for the full literature list.)
We have
identified a wide range of elements that are considered as influencing the
effect of evaluations. That is, they are likely conditions for positive
evaluation effects, in QCA terminology. These conditions have been
provisionally clustered into five dimensions:
- Conducive circumstances, which are present when the intervention is evaluable and the political environment (among and beyond evaluation stakeholders) favourable.
- Powerful mandate, something evaluators have if resources are appropriate, the evaluation is timely and the evaluation team commands high esteem.
- Convincing methodology that leads to compelling evidence, is well documented participatory and ethically sound (‘do no harm’).
- Effective communication, which rests on presentation and dissemination of findings, conclusions, recommendations and lessons learned.
- High context sensitivity, in particular regarding gender, cultural and professional issues.
We have
also looked more closely at the effects
of evaluations, clustering them into three groups:
- Effects on development practice – i.e. changes in the further implementation of the intervention evaluated, or in the implementation of subsequent interventions.
- Effects on accountability and advocacy.
- Effects on the wider knowledge base– in terms of learning beyond the actual intervention, for example the contribution an evaluation makes to the global knowledge base on “what works” in efforts to end violence against women.
The Review
Reference Group (RRG) examined the tentative model in October and provided rich
comments. The dialogue with the RRG and our DfID counterparts has helped us to
clarify the terminology used and to appreciate the many facets of these
from that, we have developed detailed reporting sheets for the coders. The
coders have started their first coding round, examining all 74 reports we
identified in our search (see earlier post). At this point, their job is to map
the data on conditions they find in the reports
As to the
effects generated from the evaluations, we cannot rely on the reports for data.
Therefore we are building a survey. For every evaluation in our set, we are
planning to question at least two out of three types of stakeholders: (1) the
evaluator, (2) a person who has commissioned the evaluation, (3) a
representative of the organisation that has implemented the intervention
evaluated and who can report on the effects of the evaluation. We have
interviewed 2-3 representatives of each category to further enrich our picture
of the effects evaluations can generate. At the moment, we are building a web-based survey that will be sent
out in early January.
By the end
of January, we expect to have:
- An accurate picture of the data available from each of the 74 evaluation reports.
- Rich data on many of the conditions in our model, from 74 evaluation reports.
- Information from our survey respondents on evaluation characteristics which the reports have not provided sufficient data on.
- Data on the effects the evaluations have produced.
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